Guide Social 2024 ATH - Groupe Y - EN

© - ATH all rights reserved - Edition 2024 18 EMPLOYER’S GUIDE 2024 SETTING UP THE CSE The Social and Economic Committee replaces the 3 representative bodies that previously existed : staff delegates (DP) in businesses with at least 11 employees, works council (CE), and health, safety & working conditions committee (CHSCT) in businesses with at least 50 employees. The CSE must be set up when the company has a headcount of at least 11 employees for 12 consecutive months. The headcount is calculated based on the rules of employment law. In companies with at least 50 employees having at least 2 separate sites, a central CSE and site CSEs must be set up. ORGANISATION OF ELECTIONS The employer is responsible for organising elections and re-elections of staff representatives. When the body has not been set up, an employee or a union organisation can request the organisation of elections at any time. The term of office of members of the CSE is 4 years. A sector collective agreement or a company agreement can set this term between 2 and 4 years. When, after 2 rounds of elections, the CSE has not been able to be set up due to lack of a candidate, a report must be prepared by the employer. DUTIES OF THE CSE IN COMPANIES WITH 11 TO 49 EMPLOYEES The CSE staff delegation performs some of the duties that were incumbent on staff representatives. It presents individual or joint claims to the employer concerning salaries and the application of the French employment code, agreements and collective agreements. It helps to promote health, safety and working conditions. It carries out investigations into workplace accidents or occupational illnesses. It refers all complaints or observations by staff to the employment inspectorate. It has the right to report any infringement of personal rights. DUTIES OF THE CSE IN COMPANIES WITH AT LEAST 50 EMPLOYEES The members of the CSE perform the duties that were incumbent on the staff representatives, works council and health & safety committee. Financial duties : the role of CSE is to represent the collective voice of the employees so their interests can be taken into account in decisions relating to the management and economic and financial development of the company, organisation, professional development and production techniques SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC COMMITTEE 8 What you need to know : The Social and Economic Committee (CSE) is the elected representative body of the company’s staff. All employers with at least 11 employees must have set up a CSE.