Guide Social 2024 ATH - Groupe Y - EN

© - ATH all rights reserved - Edition 2024 3 2024 EMPLOYER’S GUIDE HIRING EMPLOYEES 1 Hiring an employee 4 2 Hiring a foreign employee 6 3 Collective agreement 8 4 Company agreement 10 5 Key compulsory registers and documents 12 6 Key compulsory notices 14 7 Company rules and regulations 16 8 Social and Economic Committee (CSE) 18 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT 9 Fixed-term contract 20 10 Part-time contract 22 11 Apprenticeship contract 24 12 Professional training contract 26 13 Probation period 28 WORKING HOURS 14 Working hours 30 15 Working hours of young people under the age of 18 32 16 Fixed working time agreement 34 17 Monitoring of working hours 36 18 Sunday working 38 COMPENSATION 19 Benefits 40 20 Contribution to travel costs 42 21 Supplemental employee benefits 44 22 Benefits in kind 46 23 Business expenses 48 24 Employee savings schemes 50 25 Value-sharing bonus 52 PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT 26 Sick leave and workplace accidents 54 27 Maternity, paternity and other family leave 56 28 Paid holidays 58 29 Public holidays 60 30 Professional development 62 31 Prevention of occupational hazards 64 32 Occupational risk assessment document 66 33 Remote working 68 34 Working abroad 70 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT 35 Termination of permanent employment contract 72 36 Retirement or pensioning off 74 OTHER FORMS OF WORKING 37 Combined employment & retirement 76 38 Internships in a business environment 78 PRACTICAL TOOLS URSSAF inspection 80 FAQ on deduction at source on salaries 82 Staff management memo 84 Periods for keeping employment documents 86 Useful websites 87 Update on 30 april 2024 New