Guide Social 2024 ATH - Groupe Y - EN

© - ATH all rights reserved - Edition 2024 4 EMPLOYER’S GUIDE 2024 NOTICE OF EMPLOYMENT (DPAE) A very important formality for employers is the Notice of Employment (« Déclaration préalable à l’embauche »), which must be sent to the relevant French social security office [URSSAF or MSA], in principle electronically, prior to hiring any employee. The first time an employee is hired, a preliminary notice must be submitted to the employment inspectorate. Failure to complete the DPAE is subject to a category 5 fine (c.f. page 85) and a penalty of 300 times the guaranteed minimum (€ 1,245 as at 1/1/2024). A penalty for illegal work may also be applied. EMPLOYMENT OF FOREIGN EMPLOYEES When the future employee is a foreign national (from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland), you must check before hiring the person concerned that he/she has a valid work permit (refer Fact Sheet 2). Make sure you have all the information required to fulfil the pre-employment formalities when interviewing your future employee. DRAFTING THE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT The employment contract sets out the essential elements of the contractual relationship between the employer and the employee. Its structure is formally regulated in some cases. Permanent contract, short-term contract, part-time contract, work-training contract, assisted contract... The possibilities are many and varied ! Ask us, before hiring, what is the best contract to use. Before hiring, consider any possible funding (national, regions, employment agency...). REGISTERING THE EMPLOYEE WITH PENSION, BENEFIT AND HEALTH PLANS Check the relevant obligations applicable to the status of the employee (collective agreement, occupational sector agreement, company agreement, etc.). HIRING AN EMPLOYEE 1 What you need to know : An employer is required to fulfil a number of formalities when hiring an employee. If the employer fails to comply with such obligations, it may face criminal sanctions for illegal work. Sanction Information Advice