Guide Social 2024 ATH - Groupe Y - EN

© - ATH all rights reserved - Edition 2024 66 EMPLOYER’S GUIDE 2024 PURPOSE OF THE OCCUPATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT The occupational risk assessment document is compulsory in all companies regardless of their size or business activities. It includes a list of occupational risks to which the employees are exposed in each work unit and ensures collective tracking of such exposure. It contains the identification of hazards and risk assessment. It acts as the starting point for defining risk prevention and employee protection initiatives. Ask us about the specific details which must be included as part of the assessment of hardship risk factors. RISK ASSESSMENT A risk assessment involves identifying hazards affecting all aspects of health and safety of employees linked to the company’s business activities : choice of manufacturing processes, work equipment, layout of work premises and so on. The employer must involve the social and economic committee in the risk assessment, and drawing up and updating of the occupational risk assessment document. The company’s health and safety advisor, and workplace prevention and health agencies also contribute to the risk assessment. The employer may also use external stakeholders specializing in occupational risks (INRS, OPPBTP, ANACT, etc.). PREVENTION INITIATIVES The employer must define prevention initiatives based on the results of the risk assessment. In companies with less than 50 employees, the list of prevention initiatives is recorded in the occupational risk assessment document. In companies with at least 50 employees, they are recorded in an annual occupational risk prevention and improvement of working conditions programme. Ask us about the content of the annual risk prevention programme. 32 What you need to know : All employers must assess health and safety risks for employees in the company. The results of this assessment are recorded in the occupational risk assessment document. OCCUPATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT