Guide Social 2024 ATH - Groupe Y - EN

© - ATH all rights reserved - Edition 2024 67 2024 EMPLOYER’S GUIDE UPDATING THE OCCUPATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT The occupational risk assessment document must be updated annually in companies with at least 11 employees. Regardless of the size of the company, it must also be updated when any important decision is taken making amendments to health and safety conditions at work and when additional information regarding risk assessment is brought to the employer’s attention. Each updated version of the occupational risk assessment document is submitted to the workplace prevention and safety agency with remit for the employer. The list of prevention initiatives is also updated every time the occupational risk assessment document is updated. AVAILABILITY OF THE OCCUPATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT The occupational risk assessment document is made available to employees and former employees in the versions in force during their employment with the company. It is also made available to the social and economic committee, the workplace prevention and safety agency, employment inspectorate, social security prevention agencies, and health and safety professional organisations. Ask us : a notice stating how to access the occupational risk assessment document must be displayed in the company. Failure to make the occupational risk assessment document available to the social and economic committee constitutes the offence of obstruction which is punishable by a fine of € 7,500. KEEPING THE OCCUPATIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT Successive versions of the occupational risk assessment document must be kept on file for at least 40 years. At present, the occupational risk assessment document may be drawn up in hard copy or digital format. It was planned that the occupational risk assessment document and its updates would be filed electronically on a dedicated and secure digital portal by 1 July 2024 at the latest. This system has not yet been implemented. In the event of failure to draw up or update an occupational risk assessment document, the employer may be liable for the fine provided for category 5 offences (amount page 85). The employer may also be ordered to pay damages to an employee who suffered a loss as a result.