Guide Social 2024 ATH - Groupe Y - EN

© - ATH all rights reserved - Edition 2024 8 EMPLOYER’S GUIDE 2024 APPLICATION OF A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT Employers are required to apply the collective agreement linked to the company’s main business, if this agreement has been extended. If the collective agreement has not been extended (published in the official legal bulletin), it is only applicable if the employer is affiliated to one of the signatory employer organisations. The company’s NAF code [French business classification system] is used, in principle, to determine the collective agreement applicable. The applicable collective agreement also depends on the company’s location given that its scope can be national, regional or local. Ask us which collective agreement is applicable if the company has a number of different activities. If there is a change in activity (merger, assignment, etc.), make sure you check the impact on how the applicable collective agreement is determined. BENEFICIARIES The collective agreement applies to all the company’s employees. Application is immediate, automatic and mandatory once the agreement comes into effect. Some occupations, such as sales reps or journalists, do not benefit from the collective agreement by which their employer is bound, but are covered by specific agreements linked to their occupation. Ask us about the possibility of voluntary application of a collective agreement. THE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT 3 What you need to know : A collective agreement is an agreement between the staff representative bodies and employers of a specific occupational sector. It details the employment and working conditions of employees, their professional development and their protections. Employers must establish and examine the collective agreement applicable to their company. The employment contract and payslip must be drafted with reference to the collective agreement.