Guide Social 2024 ATH - Groupe Y - EN

© - ATH all rights reserved - Edition 2024 84 EMPLOYER’S GUIDE 2024 Check the work permit of foreign employees Draft the notice of employment Draft the employment contract and get it signed by the employee Make requests for aid, prior to hiring Organise the preliminary medical or fitness for work medical Register the employee for the company's compulsory pension and benefit plans - Give the employee the policy guides Complete the staff register Follow up the end of the probation period and implement appropriate actions Ensure the employee has the necessary guides (collective agreements, employee benefits, employee savings, career & training review...) All employers From 11 employees From 20 employees From 50 employees Determination of collective agreement applicable 4 Notices to be posted 4 Compulsory registers to be set up (occupational risk assessment document) 4 Health and safety obligations 4 Election of social and economic committee 4 Obligation to employ disabled workers 4 Company rules and regulations 4 Implementation of employee profit-sharing 4 Publication of the occupational gender equality index 4 Implementation of an economic, social and environmental database (BDES) 4 General obligations Hiring Tools STAFF MANAGEMENT MEMO What you need to know : This is a quick reference guide to your key obligations as an employer based on the number of employees you have or events related to your staff : hiring, performance of employment contract, termination of contract. For more information, refer to the corresponding fact sheets of this guide.